BF3 small


Agglomerated Welding Flux

ISO 14174 – S A AB 1 67 AC H5 *)
(EN 760 – SA AB 1 67 AC H5)

*) Diffusible hydrogen content H5: determined in deposited metal acc. to the method described in ISO 3690.
Type of current DC; redrying conditions 200 ±50°C.

Numéro d'article: 13108225

General description:

BF 3 is an agglomerated aluminate-basic flux with high current-carrying capacity, specially designed for the wel- ding of wind towers by tandem arc. It is also suitable for joint welding of unalloyed and low alloy structural steels, pipe steels, boiler steels and fine grain steels. The flux is suitable for single and multilayer welding of longitudinal, circumferential and fillet welds. It can be used for single, tandem, twin and multi wire welding systems. Excellent slag removal in narrow groove welds of thick wall sections. Typical characteristic of this flux is a medium Mn and Si pick up as well as very low diffusible hydrogen level. It is suitable for both AC and DC welding.


Joint welding of non-alloy and low alloy structural steels acc. to. EN 10025. Fine-grain structural steels with YS < 420 MPa and boiler steels such as P265GH (H II) and 16Mo3/A335 grade 91

Wire combinations:

See product datasheet.

Packaging information:

25,0kg alu-bag.


See product datasheet.